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Stromma Amsterdam City Swim


Dive into the canals to fight ALS

On Sunday 3 September 2023, more than three thousand sportsmen and women will jump into the canals during the 11th edition of the Amsterdam City Swim. This annual event aims to generate attention for the muscle disease ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and raise funds for research into underexposed diseases.

Stromma Netherlands supports Amsterdam City Swim

The city of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam City Swim are inextricably linked. As the host of Amsterdam, we embrace the event that takes place in the Amsterdam canals, which is our daily work area. From the very first edition of the Amsterdam City Swim, we have been a supplier of this event. 

Sporting team

A team of sporty Stromma colleagues attends the event every year to raise donations. Some colleagues, such as Willemijn van Breda, has been attending every single edition! So they have swum more than 12 kilometres per person in the Amsterdam canals for ALS!


You can. Help our colleagues raise as much money as possible in the fight against this terrible muscle disease and donate.

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