
Car & coach transportation options by Stromma

Car & coach transportation options by Stromma

Information & prices for private transport

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  • Tailored tours with local guides
  • Cosy boats & delicious food
  • Experienced staff

Minibuses and cars

Minibuses and cars

Transfers for smaller groups

Let us take care of airport transfers and harbour pick-ups for you.

Tour coaches

Tour coaches

High-quality transport for bigger groups

Comfortable tour coahes for sightseeing and transfers all year round.

Open top doubledecker buses

Open top doubledecker buses

High-level views, high-level service

Take a different ride with open top double-decker bus.
Are you planning something out of the ordinary? Or perhaps you're wondering about something? Let us help you.
Contact information
+358 9 2288 1222
..and we will get back to you shortly!
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